Are Eye Floaters Normal?
Sighted people rely on vision so much that it’s natural to worry when the ability to see things clearly changes slightly. Things may not at first seem like a major concern but should be watched over time to see if they get worse or have an effect on your lifestyle. Eye floaters are a good example of this.
Floaters are squiggles or spots in your vision that drift when your eyeballs move or you blink. It is natural for you to wonder if they are normal if you have always had a clear field of vision.
It is estimated that 70% of people have eye floaters. They’re more noticeable when looking at something bright or in a bright environment, but they don’t just appear and disappear; they’re always present even if you don’t always notice them.
As a common part of aging, they may affect both eyes but usually start in one eye first. They are caused by the eye’s internal fluid changing over time. Particles form when it thickens or shrinks, blocking light from entering the eye, and casting patterns on the retina. As a result, eye floaters appear.
Causes of Eye Floaters
A floater is normal until it isn’t. You don’t have to worry about them if they don’t impair your eyesight. However, you should get medical attention if light flashes, blurry vision, decreased peripheral vision, or a sudden dramatic increase in floaters accompany them. You may have a retinal detachment if you experience these symptoms.
Other causes of eye floaters include:
- Eye infections
- Injuries to the eye
- Eye inflammation (Uveitis)
- Eye bleeding
- Detachment of the vitreous from the retina
Floaters become increasingly common with age; they usually happen in people over age 50, but they can affect anyone. People with nearsightedness, diabetes, previous eye issues, such as swelling in the eye, and those who have had cataract surgery are at higher risk than others.
What to do When Eye Floaters Become a Nuisance
If eye floaters are becoming a hassle for your everyday vision needs, schedule an appointment with an eye doctor like the ophthalmologists at Eye Care Physicians and Surgeons of New Jersey. They can check for eye floaters during a dilated eye examination. They can also examine them for floaters and other problems during a routine check.
Once your eye doctor has found the cause of the floater, you’ll be prescribed treatment for the condition that caused the floater. If the floaters are age-related and they’re not bothering you, and your eyes are otherwise in good shape, you won’t necessarily need treatment. However, If the floaters impair your vision and disrupt your life, the eye doctor may recommend that you undergo a procedure called laser floater removal, which is painless and highly effective. If you are considering this procedure, speak with your doctor about its risks and benefits.
Floater Removal Treatment in New Jersey
If you’re having floaters or have questions about what should be considered normal vision changes, contact us to learn more. Our ophthalmologists and surgeons are here to help you see clearly with the latest in laser eye surgery technology.